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Sunday 10 May 2009

Trip Planning

  Week two at the job wasn't quite as good as the first, only made 210 pounds.  Still works out to be roughly the same as the pub, just a lot less hours, more relaxing and we all go out partying... feeling a bit more at home now.  Now a new stress has come up... finding someone to take my room so I can get my 300 pound deposit back; somehow it always finds its way back to money.  Good thing is that I haven't signed any contract so I can leave whenever I want, however, that 300 pounds can go a long way with the trip I've won.

June 1st I'll be in Paris to start a 6 week trek through 20 cities in 6 different countries.  The loops will take me through France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, back through southern France into Spain and back into France to finish in Paris.  And if I can do some awesome sales in the next couple weeks I'll even sneak in an 8 day cruise in Croatia or Greece.

What's even better is that I'll still have one loop left to use before the end of September which means a 2nd trip back out here for Oktoberfest.  Also stops in Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, and 2 in Germany.  Afterwards if I really want I can return to this paintball job... even after a 4 month hiatus.  Still a long way away though, right now I have to get ready to get drunk and watch some much missed hockey...  Canada vs Russia rematch

1 comment:

  1. dude im right by west ken too, email me at m oj ou i@gmai i need to get some ideas, you've been here as long as i have and im getting bored as ell, not drinking might have something to do with that i guess. hit me up

