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Friday 8 January 2010

Next Stop... Dublin

So naturally the most entertaining person (me) sits in the front seat of the cab and offers an amazing 2.5 minutes of conversation before passing out. When I wake from my slumber I hate life, "Damn that bouncy castle. I've made up my mind, I hate the person that
came up with the idea of putting one in a bar." Firstly, I can't believe I was still able to function and lead the way through the airport. Secondly, it's a mystery to myself and everyone else how I made it through the checks while being fully loaded. Once I made it through it was back to passing out on a bench where in my mental absence I continued to offer entertainment, but you'll have to ask Brandi and Justine for that story.

  Woke up, did the zombie walk through more checks, onto the plane and resumed my drunken slumber. Once again, for accurate details on this portion of the trip see Brandi or Justine. But, apparently we had quite a rough landing which shook people around the plane before a halting stop bent everyone forward into Muslim prayer position. All of this excitement, I slept through. All I recollect is being the last on the plane then dragging my intoxicated alter ego through the airport process all over again.

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