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Monday 4 January 2010

Return to Scotland

It was a long, strenuous and non profitable four weeks back with IPG. Got screwed around and just didn't see any motivation from them to get this Canada idea off the ground. Maybe for the best, now I don't have to worry about it and it's one less distraction from my real goals. But, finally made it back to Scotland where my
most recent crazy adventure begins. In keeping my promise to my cousin Justine, I waited around in the UK for her to come over and do a bit of traveling... my style. However, while waiting an innocent "Hello" phone call added Brandi to the mix. Then 
less than 36 hours before departure our Uncle Rob joined the team. So lets get started. Our first day in Edinburgh consisted of some sight-seeing and a night at the pub Biddy Mulligan's to commence our 10 day UK tour. Also helped cure their jet-lag and my restlessness from a 10 hour bus ride from London. However, the real party took place in Glasgow where we met with Robbie and Amy to see The Hip... for £12 = $20. What made it even better was there being less than 250 people there; almost like having a private show. Must give props to everyone that night for putting on their drinking hats and making that night one of the highlights of the trip... Amy lost her charger, Robbie his second phone in a week and myself for being the only crowd surfer. Oh yeah, and whoever found the bouncy castle. Yes, the infamous love/hate relationship with a bouncy castle. That relationship is like condensing a drinking cycle; you get drunk, have a great time, hit the hangover and feel like shit all in a span of 5 minutes... I felt like death, "Whoever came up with the idea to put a bouncy castle in a bar is either a genius or a retard, I have yet to decide." When the night finally came to an end it was deep-fried sausage and haggis for everyone (even Robbie) and Brandi discovered her new favourite dish. Next steps: a night in an airport, a scary landing and a long wait in a Dublin hostel... all while hungover, someone shoot my face off.

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