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Wednesday 8 April 2009


So I traveled to Cardiff  for 4 days to see my cousins and get a much needed break from London.  It was a good start to the month and ranks right up there with Edinburgh.  My first night there I didn't do much, just had some drinks and got to know my cousins.

Day 2:  My cousin Matthew took me around Cardiff Bay, Cardiff Castle and showed me the house my Grandpa grew up in and where the sweet shop my Nana used to own was, along with the pubs and other places they would hang out. That night would be our drunken adventure
which consisted of countless pints,  pool, getting turned away from one pub because I had a hood but people with painted faces were allowed in, "This is the most F'd up dress code ever, even worse than Big Bucks lol."  The next pub brought the excitement of 3 bloaks (possibly Jacks**) picking a fight with one guy until realizing there were 7 of us and chose to insult us as they drove away instead, "I guess cowards have an international or something"  Then we finish the night off at El Paso restaurant with pints and shots of Snake Tequila, "Why's it called Snake Tequila?... Oh, cuz there's a snake in the bottle"  This then leads us to dressing up in ponchos and sombreros that are meant to be decorations on the walls, then my cousin Allen falls asleep and takes a table full of food to the ground with him. 

Day 3:  After finally getting out of bed we went to the Big Pit.  This used to be one of the major coal mining sites in Wales.  This was interesting to see because coal used to be the nation's biggest export and at one point Wales was the #1 exporter in the world.  So we went on a tour underground to see the tunnels, stables and equipment.  They managed to take something that seemed boring and make it very interesting and for me it was neat to see where my ancestors most likely worked at some point.

Day 4:  Started with me getting my tattoo of the Welsh Dragon.  It looks good except I'll be going back since I didn't want it to be colour, "Isn't that one of the most obvious things that would be established when getting a tattoo?... Yet somehow he missed that part of the conversation."  So now I have a bright red dragon on my back.  On the upside he drop the price and offered to fix it for free, "It's the least that can be done considering that's a pretty big F'ing mistake."  

To conclude, Cardiff also ranks higher than London.  The trip was tons of fun and a bit of a learning experience.  To give a better idea of my cousins, the youngest is 33, married with two kids and these are the types of shinanigans they still get into.  So there you go folks, that's where I get it from and from the looks of it I won't be growing out of it anytime soon, "Good luck everyone lol"

Souvenirs from Wales - Red tattoo that's supposed to be black
- Sombrero 

**Check terminology post/blog/note 

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