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Monday 27 February 2012

SUBconscious Travel pt. 1

It's become part of the daily routine. Quickly gather whatever I need for the particular outing, stuff it in my bag and race out the door hoping I haven't forgotten anything. Race down the street and dodge traffic as I cross the street to Old Mill subway station. There have been some close calls
so far, I'm sure one day my luck will fade, let's just hope it's not too bad. Anyway, back to the point. The next step is to shimmy through the 3-bar rotary gate (the hell if I know what it's actually called), then accurately hopscotch down the stairs, and finish the dash with a smooth sideways leap through the closing doors. Well, that's about as exciting as it gets. Now that I'm on the SUBway, it's time to SUBdue all ideas of social contact and SUBmit to the unwritten rules of public transit:

1. Do NOT sit beside someone if possible (even then, those sitting prefer you stand)
2. Do NOT make eye contact (if you do you'll be viewed as a creeper)
3. NEVER talk to anyone (if you do you'll be viewed as CRAZY or a potential CRIMINAL)
     Upon becoming a passenger you must essentially become a drone. Your ears must be plugged in to your iPod or your eyes must be buried in a book. If you can do both you are an A+ passenger, unseen and unheard. Be invisible, so all the people you don't notice, in turn don't notice you.

On the other hand, with what seems to be a very socially awkward setting creates the perfect opportunity to fuck with people. The best part is that you can do this by being perfectly normal and heaven forbid, polite. Do this and you'll really throw people for a loop. Something as simple as a smile will do the trick. If you're brave, let people on/off before you and if you're feeling drunk with optimism say "Hello" to someone and ask how they are.

Stay Tuned for pt. 2

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