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Friday 6 March 2009

Getting to London

Well to start, the airport wasn't all that bad, kind of a neat place actually.  The plane itself also wasn't bad, the process of the whole thing was pretty smooth and the plane was comfortable. Take off: That made me nervous as expected, did not expect, however, to look out the window and see
the wings bouncing up and down like a gymnast on a trampoline, "This is a plane, not a bird, don't know much about planes but I've never seen a plane that has flapping wings." (this is just my lack of experience)

Anyway, we take off and go through all the shaking, rumbling, accelerating at warp speed action and we're in the air.  I look across the aisle out a window and the earth is diagonal which was kewl, but expected since they show it in movies all the time; that other stuff that makes you nervous, never see that in movies. So now we're in the air, we've leveled off, they're serving us drinks and I realize it isn't so bad, a lot noisier than I expected though. I look at the TV which has stats about the flight: how long, how far... how fast "600 something mph, ok I see why it's a bit noisy, then a movie pops on, sweet"....... We get served dinner and meh, not surprising but not disappointing.  then the plane starts shaking, seatbelt light comes on and the captain says we're experiencing turbulance, "What the hell, I thought turbulance happened at take-off and landing with the shaking and warp speed shit" (go ahead, shake your heads and make fun, it's my first time being on a plane).  Anyway, it stops shaking and everything is back to normal.  I'm a bit nervous and my palms are a bit sweaty.  The TV pops on again with stats.  This time it shows a map of where we are; not feeling so good again, " We just went through turbulance  and now they're showing that we're in the middle of a great big fucking ocean, that's the stupidest thing they could have done next to performing loop-de-loops" (Hey Pisan, going to London you don't fly anywhere near Greenland or Iceland, but thatnks for trying to make me feel better)  Ok, so I got used to the mid-ocean turbulance and all that jazz and just want to sleep. Hit the recline button and nothing happens, "Great"  Whatever, I try to sleep but doze in and out a bit until I'm informed that my seat reclines, "Oh really, that's why the chair in front of me is 6 inches from my nose and everyone else is almost lying down, thanks tips"  So I continue dozing in and out until the sun starts coming up and I'm staring out the window again to see us fly in and out of the clouds and the land below; this was the best part of the flight.  It was momentarily interrupted when the two girls sitting at the window looked at me oddly, "Don't flatter yourselves ladies, I'm looking out the window"  So I kept looking out the window until we landed cuz it was kewl.  With the landing came the most informative thing I heard all flight, "That shaking and large thud we felt was us landing"... "Oh really, thank god cuz I thought it was the turbulance finally getting the better of us" Getting off the plane, customs, finding my luggage... meh, meh, meh. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am planning on gettin a 2 year VISA and I was wondering how long it took to get it?
