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Sunday 14 June 2009


A bit hung over from the night before (should have seen that coming) I board the bus to Paris.  Happy to be leaving London I do have to say bye to the IPG crew for now.  Byron, tear... ok Party Boy you get a tear too.

So my first night in Paris was dominated by Canadians; Jeremy from Toronto, Joe from Vancouver, 2 girls from Calgary and another Joe from Atlanta.  All of us had arrived that evening so we bought a few bottles of wine, which is ridiculously cheap, and hung out at the Eiffle Tower. Pretty kewl.  

Day 2 we did a 3 hour walking tour that actually lasted 10 hours.  Reason being,
it's not a true Scottie Baker trip until you get lost.  Half way through the tour Jeremy and I take a few pictures and a group of 30 people somehow disappear in 30 seconds.  Oh well, we went to see everything on our own and on our way to L'Arc de Triomphe we ran into the Joe's and a new girl from Australia who's name I can't remember.  So we get to the Arc where Joe, Jeremey and I get kicked out by police because we J-walked.  Fair enough it is one of the biggest/busiest round-abouts in Europe, but to our credit there was very poor signage.  So anyway, we wait 5 minutes and sneak back in and play a game of cat and mouse around the Arc for a half hour with the police.  After that was over off the La Tour Eiffle again.  This time we paid the 7 euro (which was the cheapest thing in Paris, 10 for a burger and fries 7 to go to the top of one of the most famous structures in the world, figure that out) and climbed the stairs to the second level where you must take a lift to the top .  Not to mention the line to take the lift from the bottom is ridiculous for all the lazy bastards.  I'm far more impatient than I am lazy and it only takes 5 minutes to walk up each level.  After too much walking and too many stairs we we picked up a few more cheap bottles of wine (I got one for 1.48) and drank until 4am watching youtube... including 32 balls to the face in 32 seconds copliments of Shwin and some Kat Williams from the Brundock Saint.

The next day feeling a bit rough we checked out Sacre Couer which was super kewl, Moulin Rouge which was nothing special but I'm sure was more interesting on the inside for a 90 euro cover charge.  Then we went to Notre Dame, the Lourve again but this time was far better because it was at night and there weren't 100's of people.  The Pantheone, Chapelle, L'Opera and St. Michael were among other stops we made.  Most definitely a very vibrant city but very very expensive.  Now to just enjoy the scenic countryside on the way to Lauterbrunnen to have some fun in the Swiss Alps.

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