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Tuesday 14 July 2009

The Amazing Evasion

       As mentioned earlier: a pool table, internet and a vending machine full of 1 euro beer is what brought this together.  We thought it would be a fun challenge to see how many buttons we can get sold out, “I know you’re all probably shaking your head at me right now, but I know for a fact if any of you: Sherwin, Junes, Blackman, Zack, Matt, B, Johhny-Marc, Woodzy, Onya, Pam, Brandi, J, Mikie, Robbie, Judd, Houtby, Barks, Polgs, Tutty, Pisan… hell this list could go forever, you know who you are and you know if you were there
with me you’d be just as game.”  It was harder than we thought, by then end one button was sold out and the second had to be close, which is pretty good considering there were only 6 of us.  We even got Angry Spanish Guard (ASG) to turn it back on so we could have one more each.  Dumbass shouldn’t have left us unattended, “That’s like leaving a fat kid alone in a candy store and believing he’s only going to eat one candy.”  He was only gone for 30 seconds be we managed to get 4 more each… this was the first step to pissing off ASG. 
     By the time we got kicked out of the common room it was only Kyle from the States, and 2 Aussie girls Beck & Nikki and myself.  Rather than going to bed like ASG told us to, “I mean what the shit is that?  I’m 23 and on vacay and I’m being given a bed time… well he just enticed a drunk Scottie Baker, and he thought I was loud before, hahaha.”  So we snuck onto the rooftop patio; can’t be seen or heard up here… okay I lie about the second part, it was impossible not to hear us at this point.  Anyway, the girls weren’t feeling it was such a good idea and decided to turn back and call it a night, passing ASG on the stairs, “Shit, now we’re trapped.”  So Kyle and I race to the very top of the building and hop over a wall onto the roof of an adjacent building, “Okay we’re good, he’ll never look here, we just have to stay quiet.”  That lasted a solid 5 seconds until Kyle slipped and fell and I burst out giggling… silence, “Do you think he heard us?”…. “GABADALALAJABEDEЙA- translation – “Something VERY angry in Spanish.” RUN.  Before I was even on my feet Kyle was already on the lower level of the rooftop patio.  I follow his lead in panic and jump from one roof to the next, which was a good 10 – 12 ft drop.  ASG was so pissed I think you could actually see a red glow as he chased us down the stairs screaming “GABADALALAJABEDEЙA”  Kyle and I fly down the stairs to our room, which is right beside reception..  We start panicking as we can’t open the door because they’re the stupidest doors ever designed.  You use these stupid bracelets that you wave in front of the handle then turn the lock gently half way, if you go too far it locks again.  As the red glow gets brighter we grow more nervous until Kyle finally gets the door open.  We instantly jump into our beds and pretend to sleep.  Then a weird instinct tells me to strip down to my boxers so it looks like I’ve been in bed a while.  Good thing because 2 seconds later ASG bursts in the room and rips the blankets off me and then a few others.  Time for acting; looking disoriented and half asleep, “What the fuck, who are you?... What the fuck is your problem?”  Everyone else who legitimately felt this way joined in my protest making him look like an idiot and pissing him off even more because it was clear we had gotten away.  It was now somewhere around 3:30 – 4 and we couldn’t help but laugh ourselves to sleep.
     All this fun had led to a very close call the next morning, as in 4 hours later.  I wake up at 8:25 and our bus leaves at 8.  Panicked I run into reception in my boxers, “Busabout?”… they left 2 minutes ago.  I race back into my room, cram everything into my bag, do a quick check hoping I’m not forgetting anything.  I fly out the room almost forgetting to get my deposit back then down the street still trying to dress myself.  This little display gathers a few creepy catcalls and laughs from the locals, “Fair enough, I must have looked retarded.”  Out of breath I arrive at the pick-up point to hear from all my friends, “Oh there he is, we knew he was somewhere.”  Of course I was somewhere; that somewhere was in bed in a room that everyone had to walk by to leave the hostel.  It’s okay, I forgive you guys, but now you’re stuck with me for 5 more days in San Sebastian for some bull running… which I’ve already had practice with the night before, thanks to ASG. 

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